Well, here I go again. Seems like this morning when I woke up I knew there weren't going to be enough hours in my day. I mean, here it is already noon and I'm still in my pjs. But on the bright side of things I've managed to fix breakfast, do the dishes and half of to days schooling is almost over with. I've been trying to nurse lil Chi-Chi back to health from yesterdays trip to the vet for unexplained but treatable reasons. Ive learned this morning that he really hates in when you mix his medicine with his food. I fear hes going on strike, trying to hide it under his blanket in his crate. I'm assuming at some point today he will get hungry enough to eat it, or at least I'm hoping so since the meds sure weren't cheap!
I have to eventually get myself together and shower and head to town to do some banking and grocery shopping. Both of which I despise dearly. Mainly because the bank always says I'm broke and the grocery store is filled with so many things that I cant eat because it all contains Gluten, or as i prefer to call it the enemy in disguise!! This I recalled last night after eating some cheese that had gluten in and finding out the hard way that yes, it did indeed have it in there, just listed as something different. Needless to say, so much for last nights dinner. Ive been doing pretty good at the whole GF eating and being the food Nazi in our house. I don't even allow Gluten to cross the threshold because for one, its too tempting and two, the risk is tremendous when I'm the one who suffers. Now mind you last night, this did not detour my thoughts of sending Jon to Krystal for a sack full. I had honestly decided that I could eat them, while sitting in the bathroom floor being sick. But he said no. And probably a good thing he did. I'm still paying this morning but honestly felt that it would of been worth it. Oh, the reasoning we do with ourselves when the steaks are already out there and you are already at 3 strikes, saying, ahhh whats one more ingestable trace of gluten going to do. I know this morning had I of had a husband willing and silly enough to let me eat it, that I indeed would still be hovering the porcelain God at this very moment. So on that note, I still want the damn Krystals, but am saying THANK YOU JONATHAN for not letting me have them, I think. Now Ive decided I better get busy like I said I was going to do earlier and get this band wagon going.
Get ruthless!!!!! Look at gluten as literally poison. It is so toxic for your body that your body reacts as if you've swallowed poison. It forces you to throw it all up and get it OUT. So when you have that Krystal craving, do you really want to be poisoning yourself? Have you found gluten free snacks and such that you like? I think that's the secret. Find something gluten free that you really like and save it for when you have those cravings. Do something to reward yourself for not giving in!
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