Hooray, for today is Saturday! This means Jon is home for two whole days, we are able to have family time. Right now, we just finished breakfast. I made GF pancakes, some plain some with chocolate chips for Savannah of course. We are watching Dr. Do Little and being totally lazy. Well, I'm multi-tasking watching t.v. and blogging. I'm pretty sure we may go out after while. Jon said if I wanted a hair cut he would take me out today to get one. I'm toying with the fact of letting it grow out or just cutting it off again. I hate being in the middle stages of the growing it out stage. It looks like crap, wont do anything. I usually go get it cut on a whim and just deal with it. I'm going to dye it today too. I may just look like Sharron Osborn!
You are probably wondering why I'm so gung ho this morning. Well let me just say one word PREDINSONE! I'm not supposed to take it, but the Doc said that I need too because my sed rate level is pretty high. Well the steroids are defiantly kicking in. I'm feeling feisty for sure. I really need to be doing more with this new found energy but I don't want to jinks it. I am so wound up that I'm a bit shaky even and this is only dose 2. Anyhow, I'm just rambling today because my mind is in 1,000 places. On that note I think I am going to end my blogging session so I can go do some laundry.
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